Eating too much sugar the bitter impact for health. Therefore we must look at the intake of sugar every day is not more than two teaspoons, especially in children due to consumption of excess sugar every day have an impact on health.
Even though their impact is not instantaneous, but the excess sugar could potentially damage the body, starting from obesity, to the destruction of blood vessels that lead to heart disease, even cancer. Excessive sugar also affects the mood and skin health.
For more details, see the damaging effects caused six of the sweetness of sugar.
1. Increase the risk of diabetes
Although laymen often called diabetes mellitus with diabetes, but the actual disease is not caused by too much sugar. Excess intake of sugar will increase the weight which is a major risk factor for diabetes defect.
In addition, too many mengasup foods containing added sugar will also increase blood sugar levels so that over time causes insulin resistance and inflammation. To be sure, those who already suffer from diabetes mellitus are required to limit the intake of sugar daily.
2. Cause acne
Dermatology experts are still debating whether the food is high fat and sugar cause acne. But some research suggests that food has a high glycemic index levels will trigger the inflammation and production of oil, causing acne.
The glycemic index is the speed of food in raising blood sugar levels. Foods with high levels glikemiks among other drinks that contain sugar, chocolate, carbohydrates are filtered, and much more. Research shows that more teens mengasup low glycemic index foods have fewer pimples.
3. Damage the heart
Too many fatty foods are not the only thing that caused the high risk of suffering from heart disease. Diasup sugar levels are also directly affect heart health because it will increase levels of cholesterol and triglycerides.
The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found people who got more calories from added sugar 20-30 percent higher risk of suffering hipertrigliserida. If we mengasup more sugar than is needed, the excess will be stored in the form of triglycerides in fat cells inflicted.
4. Causes of depression
Foods that are rich in sugars, including the type of carbohydrate, will cause more unstable emotions. This happens because sugar triggers the body releases the hormone serotonin, the happy hormones, but too much sugar will cause the opposite effect.
Behavioral disorders are also highly associated with sugar. When we mengasup much sugar, blood sugar will quickly rise but also fall quickly. These fluctuations will also affect the metabolism and mood. In patients with schizophrenia, these fluctuations exacerbate the disease.
5. Increases the risk of fungal infection
Fungal infections, both of which occurred in the area of the mouth or intimate parts, due to uncontrolled growth of Candida bacteria. These bacteria actually live naturally in our bodies and is controlled by the immune system. But when our excessive intake of sugar, extra sugar was also found in saliva and urine to become the food of bacteria.
6. At risk of cancer
Although still controversial, but some experts believe the cancer cells get their food from sugar. Although no direct link has not been proven, that excess sugar will surely lead to obesity which is one risk factor for cancer.
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