"SBY is very concerned in this aspect of local origin, religion and gender."

Inauguration of United Indonesia Cabinet IIPresident Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, which revolutionized the United Indonesia Cabinet volume II, some time ago, could raise the political temperature of the ground water. Democratic Party Chairman, Department of Finance Ikhsan Modjo explain what a consideration of SBY in overhauling his ministers.
"First, the evaluation of performance and integrity that comes from the report UKP4," said Ikhsan in a discussion in Jakarta, Saturday, October 22, 2011.
Second, the need for ministerial positions to be exact. "The three portfolio ministers and background of the candidates themselves," he added.
Fourth, pay attention to the input and the aspirations of the community, including input from political parties because the parties are the elements of society. And, finally, aspects of unity and plurality. "SBY is very concerned in this aspect of local origin, religion and gender. Perhaps the sight of trivial, but in a great unity is very important. "
Here's the full array of United Indonesia Cabinet-II after the reshuffle.
1. Coordinating Minister for Politics: Djoko Suyanto (fixed)
2. Coordinating Minister for Economy: Hatta Rajasa (fixed)
3. Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare: Agung Laksono (fixed)
4. Secretary of State: Sudi Silalahi (fixed)
5. Interior Minister: Gamawan Fauzi (fixed)
6. Minister of Foreign Affairs: Marty Natalegawa (fixed)
7. Defense Minister: Purnomo Yusgiantoro (fixed)
8. Minister of Justice and Human Rights: Amir Shamsuddin (new)
9. Minister of Finance: Agus Martowardojo (fixed)
10. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources: Jero Wacik (new)
11. Minister of Industry: MS Hidayat (fixed)
12. Trade Minister: Gita Wirjawan (new)
13. Minister of Agriculture: Suswono (fixed)
14. Minister of Forestry: Zulkifli Hasan (fixed)
15. Minister of Transportation: EE Mangindaan (new)
16. Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries: Sharif Cicip Sutardjo (new)
17. Minister of Manpower and Transmigration: Muhaimin Iskandar (fixed)
18. Minister of Public Works: Djoko Kirmanto (fixed)
19. Minister of Health: Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih (fixed)
20. Minister of Education and Culture: M. Noah (fixed)
21. Minister of Social Affairs: Salim Al Segaf Jufrie (fixed)
22. Minister of Religion: Suryadharma Ali (fixed)
23. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy: Mari Elka Pangestu (new)
24. Minister of Communications and Information: Tifatul Sembiring (fixed)
25. State Minister for Research and Technology: Gusti Muhammad Hatta (new)
26. State Minister for Cooperatives and SMEs: Syarief Hasan (fixed)
27. Minister of Environment: Berth Kambuaya (new)
28. State Minister of Women and Child Protection: Linda Agum Gumelar (fixed)
29. Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform: Azwar Abubakar (new)
30. State Minister for Development of Disadvantaged Regions: Helmy Faisal Zaini (fixed)
31. State Minister for National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas: Armida Alisjahbana (fixed)
32. State Minister for State Owned Enterprises: Dahlan Iskan (new)
33. Minister of Public Housing: Djan Faridz (new)
34. Minister of Youth and Sports: Andi Mallarangeng (fixed)
Deputy Vice-Minister of the new:
1. Deputy Minister of Agriculture Rusman Heriawan
2. Deputy Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Culture Wiendu Nurianti
3. Deputy Minister of National Education and Culture Education Musliar Eunuch
4. Deputy Minister of PAN and Bureaucratic Reform Eko Prasodjo
5. Deputy Finance Minister Mahendra Siregar
6. Vice Minister of Commerce Krisnamurthi
7. Deputy Minister for SOEs Mr. Yasin
8. Deputy Minister of Health Ali Gufron Mukti
9. Deputy Foreign Minister Wardana
10. Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Nirwandar
11. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Widjajono Partowidagdo
12. Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Nasaruddin Umar
13. Deputy Minister of Justice and Human Rights Denny Indrayana
Deputy Minister of the old:
1. Deputy Defence Minister Sjafrie
2. Deputy Industry Minister Alex Retraubun
3. Deputy Minister of Transportation Bambang Susantono
4. Vice Minister of National Development Planning Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo
5. Deputy Finance Minister Anny Ratnawati
6. Deputy Minister of Public Works Hermanto Dardak
Head of State Intelligence Agency
1. Lt. Gen. Norman Marciano
Sources: indonews.org
Inauguration of United Indonesia Cabinet II
"First, the evaluation of performance and integrity that comes from the report UKP4," said Ikhsan in a discussion in Jakarta, Saturday, October 22, 2011.
Second, the need for ministerial positions to be exact. "The three portfolio ministers and background of the candidates themselves," he added.
Fourth, pay attention to the input and the aspirations of the community, including input from political parties because the parties are the elements of society. And, finally, aspects of unity and plurality. "SBY is very concerned in this aspect of local origin, religion and gender. Perhaps the sight of trivial, but in a great unity is very important. "
Here's the full array of United Indonesia Cabinet-II after the reshuffle.
1. Coordinating Minister for Politics: Djoko Suyanto (fixed)
2. Coordinating Minister for Economy: Hatta Rajasa (fixed)
3. Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare: Agung Laksono (fixed)
4. Secretary of State: Sudi Silalahi (fixed)
5. Interior Minister: Gamawan Fauzi (fixed)
6. Minister of Foreign Affairs: Marty Natalegawa (fixed)
7. Defense Minister: Purnomo Yusgiantoro (fixed)
8. Minister of Justice and Human Rights: Amir Shamsuddin (new)
9. Minister of Finance: Agus Martowardojo (fixed)
10. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources: Jero Wacik (new)
11. Minister of Industry: MS Hidayat (fixed)
12. Trade Minister: Gita Wirjawan (new)
13. Minister of Agriculture: Suswono (fixed)
14. Minister of Forestry: Zulkifli Hasan (fixed)
15. Minister of Transportation: EE Mangindaan (new)
16. Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries: Sharif Cicip Sutardjo (new)
17. Minister of Manpower and Transmigration: Muhaimin Iskandar (fixed)
18. Minister of Public Works: Djoko Kirmanto (fixed)
19. Minister of Health: Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih (fixed)
20. Minister of Education and Culture: M. Noah (fixed)
21. Minister of Social Affairs: Salim Al Segaf Jufrie (fixed)
22. Minister of Religion: Suryadharma Ali (fixed)
23. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy: Mari Elka Pangestu (new)
24. Minister of Communications and Information: Tifatul Sembiring (fixed)
25. State Minister for Research and Technology: Gusti Muhammad Hatta (new)
26. State Minister for Cooperatives and SMEs: Syarief Hasan (fixed)
27. Minister of Environment: Berth Kambuaya (new)
28. State Minister of Women and Child Protection: Linda Agum Gumelar (fixed)
29. Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform: Azwar Abubakar (new)
30. State Minister for Development of Disadvantaged Regions: Helmy Faisal Zaini (fixed)
31. State Minister for National Development Planning / Head of Bappenas: Armida Alisjahbana (fixed)
32. State Minister for State Owned Enterprises: Dahlan Iskan (new)
33. Minister of Public Housing: Djan Faridz (new)
34. Minister of Youth and Sports: Andi Mallarangeng (fixed)
Deputy Vice-Minister of the new:
1. Deputy Minister of Agriculture Rusman Heriawan
2. Deputy Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Culture Wiendu Nurianti
3. Deputy Minister of National Education and Culture Education Musliar Eunuch
4. Deputy Minister of PAN and Bureaucratic Reform Eko Prasodjo
5. Deputy Finance Minister Mahendra Siregar
6. Vice Minister of Commerce Krisnamurthi
7. Deputy Minister for SOEs Mr. Yasin
8. Deputy Minister of Health Ali Gufron Mukti
9. Deputy Foreign Minister Wardana
10. Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Nirwandar
11. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Widjajono Partowidagdo
12. Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Nasaruddin Umar
13. Deputy Minister of Justice and Human Rights Denny Indrayana
Deputy Minister of the old:
1. Deputy Defence Minister Sjafrie
2. Deputy Industry Minister Alex Retraubun
3. Deputy Minister of Transportation Bambang Susantono
4. Vice Minister of National Development Planning Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo
5. Deputy Finance Minister Anny Ratnawati
6. Deputy Minister of Public Works Hermanto Dardak
Head of State Intelligence Agency
1. Lt. Gen. Norman Marciano
Sources: indonews.org
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